The Apogee is an Indian Legal news and Analysis platform owned by Sunita Srivastava.
Sunita Srivastava, Founding Editor
Sunita Srivastava is former Editor News Recorder an English Daily.
Editorial Advisory Board:
Harihar P. Srivastava, Honorary Editor
Hairhar P. Srivastava is former Editor, Northern India Patrika, fellow of SALS-Institute of Advance Legal Studies, University of London, practicing Advocate in Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court and its Lucknow Bench.
Abhishek Srivastava, Consulting Editor
Abhishek Srivastava is software engineer, Expert in Cyber and Technology Laws and practicing Advocate in Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court and its Lucknow Bench.
Shweta Srivastava, Consulting Editor
Shweta Srivastava is an expert in Human Right Laws and alumni of University of London and practicing Advocate in Supreme Court, Allahabad High Court and its Lucknow Bench.